Formulation of National Standards


Standardization leads to overall up-liftment of the economy, protection of consumer safety & health, environmental protection and improved communication. Thus, its role in enhancing economic development, facilitating trade and improving the quality of life is being widely recognized. SLSI formulates voluntary technical standards which add value to all types of business operations. These standards contribute to the dissemination of technology and good business practices. Standardization includes Technological improvement and is a vehicle for technology transfer, while quality is the key factor for facilitating trade & meeting customer needs and expectations. Considering the importance of this function Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) has established two technical divisions namely Scientific Standards Division & Engineering Standards Division to formulate National Standards in their respective fields.

Sri Lanka Standards are developed through co-operate effort of all stake-holders by negotiation and consensus among all interests concerned. This is achieved by consultation of various expert groups representing producers, consumers, users, public institutions, independent technical organizations and academia.

Policy of SLSI in formulating national standards is to be in line with International Standards and Practices as far as practicable. To this effect International Standards would be adopted wherever feasible. In the selection of subject areas for standardization SLSI gives priority to standards needed to facilitate internal and external trade, consumer Safety and Health.

Standards Published under the designation of Sri Lanka Standards, represent national consensus, state of the art technology and good practices concerned.

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