Scientific Standardization
The Scientific Standardization Division formulates the National Standards. These standards are developed through consensus with the involvement of all the relevant stakeholders representing consumers, producers, users, public Institutions and independent technical organizations.
The Institution appoints Technical Committees to advice and guide the institution in these activities with the aim of gathering all possible expertise in the best possible way to optimize benefits to the national economy from these Standardization activities.
National standards represent coordinated solutions for use in technology, commerce, trade and administration are intended to achieve:
- Overall economy in terms of human effort, materials and other resources in the exchange of goods and services;
- The protection of consumer interest through adequate and consistent quality of goods and services;
- Safety, health and protection of life; and
- Provide a means of expression and of communication amongst all interested parties.
These standards may be specifications for materials or products, codes of practices giving recommended guidelines for specific fields of industry, methods of test, definition of terms or other forms of standardization.
In the formulation of Standards, the policy of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution is to be in line with the International Standards and practices as far as practicable. To this effect, International Standards are adopted as Sri Lanka Standards wherever possible.
The standards formulation projects are prioritized giving due consideration to the facts to ensure facilitation of internal and external trade while enhancing the international competitiveness of Sri Lankan products and services with the prime objective of safeguarding the interest of the consumer.
There are over 4000 Standards relating to products, commodities, materials, processes & practices. These Standards are periodically reviewed and revised to accommodate the developments and improvements in the processes and technologies.
Sri Lanka Standards are published allowing voluntary adoption by those who are concerned unless made compulsory by acts and/or regulations
The division is responsible for the formulation of National Standards on,
- Agriculture
- foods
- Textiles and garments
- Leather and leather products
- Paper, board and packaging
- Chemical and polymer technology
Sectoral Committees
The Council of the SLSI appoints Sectoral Committees covering specific subject areas to advise the SLSI on standards formulation process. Sectoral Committees presently in operation are given below:



Chemical & Polymer Technology

Paper, Board & Packaging

Textiles & Garments

Leather, Leather products & Footwear
Sectoral Committees are formed from experts in the respective areas representing all stake holders including manufacturers, academia, relevant government institutions, consumers, independent research and testing organizations, and individual experts. Thus a Sectoral Committee constitutes of both members nominated from respective organizations as well as members appointed on a personal capacity.
Meetings of a committee are normally open only to members of the committee. Requests for attendance by visitors for special purposes should be directed in the first instance to SLSI which will issue an invitation in consultation with the Chairman of the Sectoral Committee.
Each standardization project is managed by an Assistant Director / Deputy Director of the Scientific Standardization Division of the SLSI. There are several procedures which are adopted based on the nature and complexity of the subject, availability of data, reference documents, other relevant standards, and information.
Working Groups
SLSI is in consultation with Sectoral Committees may appoint Working Groups to deal with Specific Standardization projects. Such Working Groups report to the relevant Sectoral Committee. Each Standardization Project is managed by an Assistant Director of Scientific Standardization Division of the SLSI. These committees meet about once in a months or more often as necessary.
There are several alternative procedures, which are adopted based on the nature and complex city of the subject, availability of data, reference documents, other relevant Standards and information.
Divisional structure of Scientific Standardization Division

What We Do
Core activity of the Standardization (Scientific) Division is the formulation of National Standards required for the development of the National economy.
Standardization (Scientific) Division is responsible for entire progression of National Standard formulation. In a broad sense, the tasks related to setting National Standard are as follows;
- Formulation of New National Standards
- Adoption of International Standards
- Review of existing Standards - based on the results of review,
- Reaffirm
- Revision
- Amend (Erratum, corrigendum) when there are minor changes
- Withdraw Standards when a need arise
In order to increase productivity and maximize the utilization of resources, the Standardization Division which is working abreast with other divisions of the institution, launches following strategies to achieve it’s goals,
- Promote the use and application of National Standards in all spheres of economic and social activities, related to agriculture, food, chemicals, cosmetics, paper and board Packaging, textiles, leather, garments & also certain needs of the society.
- Participate in International and Regional Standardization Activities to safeguard National interests.
- Constantly develop and upgrade the institution and its resources.
Please refer "Work Programme" - for more details please contact Sectional Heads (Senior Deputy Directors) and Assistant Directors of respective sections.