Sectoral Committees are formed from experts in the respective areas representingall stake holders including manufacturers, academia, relevant government institutions, consumers, independent research and testing organizations, and individual experts. Thus a Sectoral Committee constitutes of both members nominated from respective organizations as well as members appointed on a personal capacity.
The division is responsible for the formulation of National Standards on,
- Agricultural machineries
- Automotive Industry
- Construction materials & Industries
- Electrical Appliances
- Electric Cables & Conductors
- Electronics
- Engineering design codes
- Environmental Management Systems
- Energy Management Systems
- Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems
- Security Management Systems
- Information Technology
- Nano technology
- Oil & Gas
- Renewable Energy
Note:- For scientific based Standardization Activities please refer the Standardization (Scientific) Division.
SLSI in consultation with Sectoral Committees may appoint Working Groups to deal with specific standardization projects. Such Working Groups report to the relevant Sectoral Committee.
Meetings of a committee are normally open only to members of the committee. Requests for attendance by visitors for special purposes should be directed in the first instance to SLSI which will issue an invitation in consultation with the Chairman of the Sectoral Committee.
Each standardization project is managed by an Assistant Director / Deputy Director (Engineering) of the Engineering Standardization Division of the SLSI. There are several procedures which are adopted based on the nature and complexity of the subject, availability of data, reference documents, other relevant standards, and information.
Working Groups
SLSI is in consultation with Sectoral Committees may appoint Working Groups to deal with Specific Standardization projects. Such Working Groups report to the relevant Sectoral Committee. Each Standardization Project is managed by an Assistant Director of Engineering Standardization Division of the SLSI. These committees meet about once in a months or more often as necessary
There are several alternative procedures, which are adopted based on the nature and complex city of the subject, availability of data, reference documents, other relevant Standards and information.