- A preliminary industrial survey conducted to assist industries under World Bank Assistance Programme
- Imports of twelve items monitored under the Import Inspector Scheme
- Under the UNDP Project, assistance obtained to develop laborer i accreditation and metrology activities
- Inclusion of protective helmets for vehicle users and brown sugar info the list of items brought under the Import Inspection Scheme
- Inauguration of a Diploma Course in Quality Management
- SLSI being the National Registration Centre for QC Circles, registered the first two circle
- Presentation of awards to the winner of the Inter-school Handboox competition at BMICH
- National level Quiz Programme titled “Obai Pramithiyai” broadcast to educate school children on standardization, quality control arc consumerism
- Participation of three officers from industry in the People’s Republic of China in a training programme on Standardization and Quality Control sponsored by the World Bank
- Introduction of Consumer Education Circles in schools, encompass ng approximately 25,000 students in the (Advanced Level) Commerce stream to popularize the concept of consumerism. An lnter-school Hand-book competition held, involving the members of consumer education circles
- SLSI expanded its services to the Industry by establishing a Calibration Unit in the laboratory with facilities for calibration of measuring instruments
- National level programme on Quality Control in Fish Process -g conducted with the assistance of the Food and Agriculture Organization
- Import Inspection Scheme implemented to ensure the quality of imported products introduced into the market under the liberalized import policies. The items covered are canned fish, condensed milk, fruit cordials/concentrates/ready to serve drinks, switches, socket outlets and plugs, lampholders, electric bulbs, hotplates
- Quality inspection of fertilizer imports commenced at the request of the National Fertilizer Secretariat
- Inter-school quiz competition held with a view to popularizing the concept of Certification Marking
- Launching of the Accreditation Scheme for Testing Laboratories (ASTEL) to certify the competence of testing laboratories. Initially, financial and secretarial support provided by SLSI
- BCS Act. No.38 of 1964 repealed by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) Act No. 6 of 1984 to widen the scope of activities and powers of the Institution
- Acceptance of the Textile Testing Unit of the laboratory as an approved testing laboratory by the International Wool Secretariat (IWS)
- Production of TV documentary highlighting the importance of the Certification Mark (SLS) and given wide coverage through the TV Media
- Implementation of a major consultancy project with the assistance of the World Bank, for the rehabilitation and development of the tea industry in Sri Lanka
- Proclamation and organization of a National Quality Week to be observed during the third week of August every year as an on-going programme to create a National Awareness of Quality. To coincide with the event a “Q Flag” introduced
- Coffee beans brought under the Pre-export Inspection Scheme
- First workshop on Quality Control in Shrimp Processing held with the assistance of INFOFISH, the Regional-body of Fish Processing Quality Control in South East Asia
- Workshop on organoleptic assessment of quality of seafood conducted in collaboration with the US Food & Drug Administration
- First consultancy assignment on quality improvement undertaken by BCS
- Training programme on Quality Control for Industry held under sponsorship on UNIDO/SIDA and Alirati Training Centre of Sweden
- Introduction of the first stage of Pre-shipment Inspection of cinnamon quills and registration of cinnamon dealers as a pre requisite to export of cinnamon
- Establishment of a new unit for marine products and projects to strengthen the Pre-shipment Inspection Scheme
- First public seminar to create an awareness on consumer protection
- Inclusion of Standardization and Quality control as a component in the national educational curriculum in the field of Commerce
- UNDP/UNIDO project on development of Standardization and Quality Control inaugurated
- Development of separate sections for Electrical testing, Textile testing and Microbiological testing within the Laboratory Division
- BCS hosted a ISO/TC 157 meeting on Mechanical contraceptives in Colombo
- Appointment of the Bureau laboratory of BCS by M/s Underwriter Laboratories of the USA as their accredited testing and inspection agency in Sri Lanka for the use of the UL mark
- Setting up of a Maintenance unit for the repair and maintenance of instruments in the Laboratory
- BCS hosted the Regional Seminar on Standardization and Quality Control sponsored by ISO
- Publication of “Paribhogika Puwath” the journal on consumer education
- BCS launched a National Quality Promotional Campaign under the guidance of two quality experts from Japan, deputed by the Asian Productivity Organization
- Setting up of the Education and Training Unit and move to new premises at Vidya Mandiraya, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7
- Workshop on consumer education conducted for senior educationists of the Department of Education
- Establishment of the Printing Unit to cater to the printing needs of the Bureau, and publicity activity brought under this unit
- Library become the National member of the ISO/NET, a decentralized network of information centres of National Standards Bodies
- Regulations governing the Standardization Marks Scheme repealed and replaced by the regulations governing the Certification Marks Scheme. BCS launched the Certification Marks Scheme and under this scheme 20 permits issued authorizing the manufacturers of these items to display the SLS Mark
- Logo of Certification Mark selected after an island wide competition
- A five year Corporate Plan designed and adopted covering the entire spectrum of organizational activities, and devising strategies and targets to achieve the objectives of the Bureau
- Commencement of the compulsory Pre-export Inspection of cashew kernels under the Sri Lanka Agricultural Inspection Act
- Establishment of a separate Division in the Bureau to prepare Standards related to such disciplines as Civil, Mechanical Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- BCS had the privilege of welcoming the then ISO Secretary General, Mr Olle Sturen
- BCS hosted for the first time, two committee meetings of ISO/TC 34 on Spices and condiments (SC7) and on Tea (SC 8) in Colombo
- Bureau participated in ISO/TC 45 meeting on Rubber and Rubber Products held in Czechoslovakia
- Sri Lanka represented at ISO Information Network (ISONET) Symposium
- Sesame brought under compulsory Pre-export Inspection Scheme
- The Laboratory Services Division of the Bureau moved to a more spacious venue at Wellawatte, with the expansion of its activities
- Registration of the three processing establishments of prawns and lobsters under the scheme of Pre-export Inspection of marine products
- First workshop in grading of cocoa beans and cardamoms
- Launching of the Pre-export Inspection Scheme where standards for several commodities were enforced mandatory under this scheme. The commodities inspected were cocoa beans, whole black pepper, nutmeg and mace, cardamoms and cloves. BCS recognized as the Central Certifying Authority to operate this Scheme
- Registration of Establishments for processing of marine products under the Pre-export Inspection Scheme
- BCS hosted Dr N M Chopra, Director of Technical Co-ordination of ISO Central Secretariat. The purpose of his visit was to discuss the role of standardization in developing countries. His visit resulted in the Council of BCS deciding to actively pursue the adoption of ISO standards and other national standards wherever possible
- The Laboratory Services Division of the Bureau moved to a more spacious venue at Wellawatte, with the expansion of its activities
- A seminar on Quality Control in relation to minor agricultural crops and food items held at the Bandraranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH)
- BCS represented at the meeting of the sub committee on stimulant food ISO/TC 34 (SC/5) spices and condiments held in New Delhi, India
- Council of the Bureau recommended to the Minister of Industries and Scientific Affairs that the name of the BCS be changed to Sri Lanka Standards Institution with a view to streamlining the activities of Bureau
- First programme on Industrial Standardization and Quality Control at Technician Level
- BCS embarked on training by holding the first training programme on Industrial Standardization and Quality Control for personnel at middle management level. Topics relating to quality, standardization and statistical methods discussed with twenty one participants from the industry
- BCS shared the pride of presenting the report of the National Metrication Board, when the Board presented its report on Metrication in Sri Lanka to the then Minister of industries and Scientific Affairs. The report was prepared and finalized by BCS
- BCS participated in ISO/TC126 meeting on Tobacco products held in Paris
- Regulations governing the Standardization Marks Scheme were framed and gazetted. Standards were made compulsory for Safety Razor Blades and Asbestos Cement Sheets
- BCS moved into a more spacious premises at No. 53, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 7
- Publication of the “Standards News” the official organ of BCS, to coincide with World Standards Day, which was concurrently celebrated by ISO and the BCS for the first time
- BCS participated in the activities of ISO as a participating member in two Technical Committees and as an observer member in ten Technical Committees
- The testing necessary for the formulation of standards done at the Government Analyst’s Department, City Analyst’s Laboratory and the Ceylon Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (CISIR)
- Subsequently the establishment of a Laboratory at BCS with the objective of providing the necessary test data for the development of National Standards.
- Testing of Food and Chemical products and Materials, the major activity at this time in the laboratory located at Vauxhall Street, Colombo
- Cabinet of Ministers issued a directive for setting up a National Metrication Board for the transition to the Metric System on the recommendation of the Metrication Report prepared by the Bureau
- Publication of the First Ceylon Standard, CS: 1 Primary cells in the A5 size and the colour chosen for the cover of the standard was grey
- BCS admitted as a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- BCS participated at the “Siyawasa” National Exhibition held to commemorate the 100th year of the establishment of the Education Department
- Establishment of a reference collection of National Standards from other National Standards Bodies
- Recruitment of Messrs G M S de Silva and Douglas Pandita as the first Standards Officers to undertake work on standards formulation.
- Establishment of the Library with an embryonic Collection of Indian and other miscellaneous standards acquired from the then ministry of industries and fisheries, at the Bureau premises at Vajira Road, Colombo. The primary role of the Library was to render a supporting service to the formulation of standards.
- Supplementation of the existing collection by a complete set of British Standards donated by the British High Commission
- Secondment of Dr. R C De Silva from the Ministry of Industries to serve in BCS with the main objective of organizing its work
- Commencement of the operations of the National Standards Body. The Members of the first Council were Mr B D Rampala (Chairman) and Mr R G de S Wettimuni (Director) with Mr Harischandra Wijayatunge as the first and the only member appointed to the staff, functioning as its Secretary. The first Council Meeting was held at the Ministry of industries with the then Hon. Minister of Industries presiding. During this time the Bureau operated from its office at the premises of the Ceylon Piywoods Corporation
- Appointment of the Divisional Committees on Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Agriculture and Chemicals, and Metrication
- Establishment of the Bureau of Ceylon Standards (BCS) by an Act of Parliament to function as the National Standards Body, and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto