With explosion of interest in Quality Improvement throughout the world especially on the basis of ISO 9001 QMS, auditing is recognized as an extremely powerful tool to ensure the adequacy of operation and effectiveness of such established programmes. At the same time it is equally vital to conduct audits in a very professional manner by 'right type of person' to gain the confidentiality on the overall operation without causing antagonism or ill feeling specially to the auditee. This course is based on the modular approach to auditor training adopted by UK International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA).
- To support individuals to qualify as recognized QMS Auditors
- To facilitate individuals to fulfill training requirements for the registration of Auditors/ Lead Auditors with International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA), UK
- To facilitate industries to maintain and upgrade the QMS with the knowledge gained through the programme
- To support the industries to strengthen the Internal Auditing
Course Content
- IRCA Registration Scheme
- An Overview of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
- Requirements of ISO 19011 Standard
- Quality Auditing
- Assessment Process
- Audit Tools and Techniques
- Examples and Work Sheets