This annual award unifies many other awards in Sri Lanka; weaving together seven diverse quality aspects of modern-day business into one classical award. The National Quality Award is recognized by the State quality concise standard-bearers around the world and put recipients on the cutting–edge of competition

Large, medium and small scale organization in the public & private sector on:

  • Manufacturing
  • Service
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Large Scale : More than 250 full-time employees
  • Medium Scale : From 50 to 250 full-time employees
  • Small Scale : Less than 50 full-time employees
  • Winner of Sri Lanka National Quality Award
  • Merit Awar
  • Commendation Certificate
  • Opportunity to improve organizational practices towards perform excellence
  • Recognize companies as role models and providing opportunities to benchmarked by other organizations for industry improvements
  • Organizations to embody the competitive spirit
  • To Share information on successful performance strategies and benefits derived from the implementation of these strategies
  • Reward with different purposes applicable to modern, changing economic challenges
  • To promote awareness of quality among stakeholders as an increasingly important element in competitiveness
  • To help elevate quality systems for business sustainability
  • Leadership: How upper management leads the organization, and how the organization leads within the community
  • Strategy: How the organization establishes and plans to implement strategic directions.
  • Customers: How the organization builds and maintains strong, lasting relationships with customers
  • Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management: How the organization uses data to support key processes and manage performance.
  • Workforce: How the organization empowers and involves its workforce
  • Operations: How the organization designs, manages, and improves key processes
  • Results: How the organization performs in terms of customer satisfaction, finances, human resources, supplier and partner performance, operations, governance and social responsibility, and how the organization compares to its competitors

The evaluation process consists of five (05) stages as follows:

  • Desktop evaluation carried out by individual examiners
  • Evaluation carried out by examiners as a team to arrive at consensus
  • Site visit evaluation carried out by the team to adjust scores after verifying and clarifying issues
  • A review committee analyses on scores and recommends award recipients to the panel of judges
  • Panel of judges, chaired by a retired judge of the Supreme Court or Court of Appeal, approves the award winners, merit winners and commendation certificate recipients
  • (The decision of the panel of Judges is final and not subjected to appeal.)
  • Organizations functioned in Sri Lanka for a minimum period of three (03) years and continue the business
  • Organization having a quality management system for continued improvements
  • Subsidiaries, divisions or business units of larger organizations are eligible to apply if they primarily serve either the public or business other than the parent organization
  • Both parent and subsidiary company cannot complete for the award in the same year
  • Winners of the award and all its subsidiaries are not eligible for a period of five (05) years for any consideration of second award
  • A completed application report - An application report consisting of application forms A & B, organizational profile and responses to the performance Excellence Criteria.
  • Performance Excellence Criteria booklet could be obtained by making a payment of LKR 1000 + relevant government taxes to the following address:
  • Sri Lanka Standards Institution

    No 17, Victoria Place,

    Elvitigala Mawatha, Colombo 08, Sri Lanka

    Tel: +94-11-2671567 - 72 , +94-11-2671574, +94-11-2694981

    Fax: +94-11-2671579, +94-11-2672617, +94-11-2694981

    E-mail: Web:

  • Attain eminent quality leadership for business sustainability
  • Organizations can publicize and advertise the award as a marketing tool
  • Encourages other organizations to improve their quality management practices in order to compete more effectively for future awards
  • Organization could develop advantage over competitors in their marketing strategy
  • Gaining eligibility to apply for the Global Performance Excellence Award
  • All applicants will receive an official Feedback Report containing their strengths and areas for improvements that had been noted in the evaluation process
  • The feedback report which is a written assessment by a team of quality experts can be used as a tool for continuous improvement of the organization for business sustainability

    At the time of lodging the application following fee (see notes) is to be paid

  • Large- scale enterprises : LKR 50 000
  • Medium-scale enterprises : LKR 35 000
  • Small- scale enterprises : LKR 20 000
  1. Fees are subject to change
  2. Relevant government taxes are applicable

A Standard is a document, established by consensus that provides rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results. (As defined in ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004). Standards are published documents that set out specifications and procedures designed to ensure products, services and systems are safe, reliable and consistently perform the way they are intended to. They establish a common language that defines quality and safety criteria.

Standards cover everything from consumer products and services, construction, engineering, business, information technology, human services to energy and water utilities, the environment and much more.

Standards play an important role in everyday life. They may establish size or shape or capacity of a product, processing system. They can specify performance of products or personnel. They also can define terms so that there is no misunderstanding among those using the standard.

As examples, Standards help/ ensure that photo copy paper fits to photocopying machine, papers of standard size/s can be purchased anywhere in the world, a light bulb fits a socket, and plugs for electrical appliances fit outlets. With Standards, our homes, workplaces and public buildings are safer from collapse, fire and explosion.

Published Standards can be purchased in the form of hard copies and or soft copies. Please contact Documentation and Information Division (Telephone: +94 112 671 567-72 Ext: 252)

Conformity assessment is defined as any activity concerned with determining directly or indirectly that relevant requirements are fulfilled. (As defined in ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004). While a Standard is a technical expression of how to make a product safe, efficient, and compatible with others, a standard alone cannot guarantee performance. Conformity assessment, however, provides assurance to consumers by increasing consumer confidence when personnel, products, systems, processes or services are evaluated against the requirements of a voluntary Standard.

Yes, SLSI establishes the consensus procedures that are the basis for the development of Sri Lanka Standards. Please refer activates of the division.

Documents established by consensus & approved by the Council of SLSI which are essential to use in every industry. Today, there are about 2000 Sri Lanka Standards that have been developed and approved by the Council of SLSI. National Standards are voluntary and serve interests well because all materially affected stakeholders have the opportunity to work together to create them. SLSI-approved Standards only become mandatory when, and if, they are adopted or referenced by the government regulations or when market forces make them imperative.

Sri Lanka Standards provide dimensions, ratings, terminology and symbols, test methods, and performance and safety requirements for personnel, products, systems and services in hundreds of industries. Many Standards make it clear how to improve the safety of products for the protection of consumers, including products such as food items, baby cologns, baby cribs, bicycle helmets, home appliances, lawn mowers, ladders, etc.

Classification of published Standards

  • Agriculture
  • Food
  • Chemicals
  • Cosmetics
  • Paper and board
  • Packaging
  • Societal Needs
  • Textiles & Garments
  • Leather and foot ware
  • Code of practices
  • Test methods
  • Terms and glossaries
  • Management system Standards
  • Other

SLSI works extensively with, Regional and International Standardization bodies to ensure Sri Lankan interests are well represented in the development of global Standards. International Standards support the worldwide sale of products and services;. SLSI’s membership in Regional and International organizations permits delegations to influence the development and content of Regional and International Standards and Conformity Assessment Programmes, and enhances Sri Lanka position in the global market place.

SLSI is the official Sri Lanka representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

ISO develops, coordinates and promotes International Standards for a wide range of business sectors. ISO Standards include technical product specifications, procedures and guidelines for services, personnel, and management system standards for quality (ISO 9000) and the environment (ISO 14000) etc.

IEC is the global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.

SLSI is actively participating in key regional activities around the world. To broaden the participation in the development of policy positions regarding Regional Standards and Conformity Assessment, it coordinates the activities and responds to initiatives and advice on matters relating to America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa; and the Asia-Pacific region.

The effectiveness and strength of the SLSI processes lays in a special system established since nineteen sixties. SLSI provides a fair and open process designed to protect the rights and interests of every participant. Defined procedures allow everyone with an interest in the subject covered by a Standard to participate, either as a member of the consensus committees or through public comment, and to have their comments considered.

You can send proposals for New Standards, as well as comments on published Standards/existing Standards. It also includes International Standards (Adopted).You can write us through E-mail, Post, Fax, Addressed to Director General(SLSI):,

Download Materials

An important stage in the development of a Sri Lanka Standard is the Public Comment stage (Please refer the activity diagrams). The Public Comment period is open for two months. Anyone who feels that he /she has something to contribute to a Draft Standard, he /she should use the Public Comment (Form For Public comments / FM- SD -18) Period to provide the views on it ‘s provisions. All comments are considered in detail by the relevant Committee and, if necessary, further drafting is undertaken. Draft Sri Lanka Standards for Public Comments can be downloaded from the web page of Documentation and Information Division of SLSI at no charge and also printed hard copies can be obtained from Standardization division / D&I Division of SLSI.

Draft Sri Lanka Standards which are adopted in total from International Standards (ISO) are available at a concessionary charge. Hardcopies / Soft copies can be purchased from D&I Division.

Standards are developed for a number of purposes, including;

  • Voluntary or mandatory applications
    • Standards that specify requirements to achieve minimum objectives of safety, quality or performance of a product or service.
  • Regulatory compliance
    • Standards that are used to specify minimum least-cost solutions to technical requirements expressing characteristics, performance and design criteria compatible with legislative requirements
  • Contractual purpose
    • Standards that serve as purchasing specifications or technical conditions of contract between two parties.
  • Guidance
    • Standards that may be intended for educational purposes and which include recommendations, or administrative or project management procedures. In general, these Standards will not be adopted in either legislation or contract specifications.

Sri Lanka Standards Institution uses the published Standards through various activities.

E.g: For Conformity Assessment on Certification of Products, Certification of Systems Eg: GMP, ISO 9001, and ISO 22000 and for testing purposes. Standards are also directly used in the operation of mandatory Import Inspection Scheme and also for testing purposes.

Superseded indicates that the Standard has been replaced by a more recent Standard. The replacement Standard may or may not bear the same designation (SLS number) and title.

There are two dates that may determine the date of a Standard comes into effect - the publication date (Date approved by the Council) and the implementation date.

  • The Publication date is the date that a Standard becomes publicly available and the date on which a Standard comes into effect.
  • The Implementation date is the date that a Standard becomes effective for regulatory or other purposes. Occasionally, legislation or certification programs may require a later date of implementation for a Standard than it‘s publication date, for instance to provide a period of grace during which products and practices can be upgrade.

After a Standard has been published, new information may be presented to the Committee or errors may be found in the published Standard. When this occurs it is usual to issue an Amendment to the Standard. The date of an Amendment comes into effect from the date of approval by the Committee.

  • International - e.g. ISO, IEC, ITU, Codex Alimentarius
  • Regional - e.g. EU, SAARC
  • National - e.g. SLS, BS, IS
  • Company
  • Specifications - E.g: SLS 557 Emulsion paint for exterior use
  • Code of Practices - E.g: SLS 1314 Code of practice for packaging of agro pesticides for retail market
  • Test Methods - E.g: SLS 516 Microbiological test methods
  • Glossary of terms - E.g: SLS 71 Glossary of tea terms
  • Symbols - E.g: SLS 809 Recommended shipping marks for goods

South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO) has been established to achieve and enhance coordination and cooperation among SAARC member countries in the fields of Standardization and conformity assessment and is aimed at developing harmonized standards for the region, to facilitate intra-regional trade and to have access in global market. The Agreement on the establishment of South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO) entered into force with effect from 25 August 2011 after ratification by all member States of SAARC. All Member States have nominated their Members in the Governing Board of SARSO.

Web Link:

No, SLS mark can be issued only for the products for which Sri Lanka Standard is available..

Ans. Yes, One SLS mark permit covers only one brand.

Yes, One SLS mark permit is not issued for multiple locations.

No, SLS mark shall be obtained for all locations for particular brand.

No, ISO 9001 certification is compulsory only for overseas manufacturers. For local manufacturers, if QMS is not comply with ISO 9001 requirements, compliance with the GL-CP-01- (GL-CP-01 hyperlink) is mandatory.

Yes, Product is tested before and after granting SLS mark in Sri Lanka or overseas at an accepted laboratory by Sri Lanka Standard Institution.

SLS mark certification is a voluntary certification scheme. However, SLS mark has been made compulsory for number of products by relevant regulatory authorities. (SLS mark compulsory list- hyperlink)

. Any legal entity in Sri Lanka or overseas.

Is manufacturing process being inspected, when granting SLS mark?

Yes, Manufacturing process is audited before granting SLS mark certification & regular intervals after granting the certification.

Refer Fee Structure (Local GL-CP-02A hyperlink, Foreign GL-CP-02B hyperlink)

It depends on the readiness of the manufacturer & time takes for the product testing

Permit for SLS mark certificate is issued maximum of one year period.

Yes, Surveillance Audits are carried out at regular intervals. Samples are drawn from manufacturing process.

Organic product is a processed or unprocessed agricultural product made under an agricultural production system that adheres to organic farming principles. The use of certain substances, such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, hormones, antibiotics, and genetically modified organisms, is prohibited in organic farming. The substances that are allowed and prohibited in organic production are listed in organic regulations and standards adopted across the world.

As required by the "Export Development of Organic Products Regulations 2014.", any producer, processor, or manufacturer of organic agricultural products are required to obtain a certification from an accredited certification body in order to sell the product as an organic agricultural product.

SLSI offers organic product certification as per the Sri Lanka Organic standard SLS 1324: 2018; Requirements for Organic Agriculture Production and Processing.

Any of the following products can be certified through the SLSI Organic Product Certification Scheme:

  • Unprocessed agricultural crop, livestock, aquaculture and apiculture products, excluding tobacco and any other material restricted by government laws.
  • Processed agricultural crop, livestock, aquaculture and apiculture products intended for human consumption containing one or more ingredient(s) derived from

An application brochure is available at the SLSI official web site ( and the Product Certification Division of SLSI. The completed application has to be submitted to the Product Certification Division of SLSI along with the other supplementary documents requested in the application.

Please refer the fee structure of the Organic Product Certification Scheme (Link)

Certificate is issued for annual basis within a three years’ certification cycle. Validity period is extended for subsequent years after surveillance monitoring.

Yes. Annual surveillance audits are conducted onsite every year, and a recertification audit is conducted once every three years.

The National Organic Certification Mark can be displayed on the product upon receiving the certification.

You can complete the registration process by emailing the certificates of Business Registration and VAT Registration of both the importer and the clearing agent to, along with the application for online registration, which is available for download on the SLSI website If you have any inquiries regarding the online registration, you may email or contact our direct line-0112674421.

There are 120 items covered under the Import Inspection Scheme of SLSI as per the Extra Ordinary Gazette Notification no 1844/49 dated 2014.01.08 issued under the Import & Export (control) Act No 01 of 1969. The list of items is available at SLSI website.

  • By contacting ‘Administrative Officer’ of Quality Assurance Division of SLSI.

    T.P +94 112 671 567 Ext:393

  • By referring web site of SLSI
  • By referring the Extra Ordinary Gazette Notification

    no. 1844/49 dated 2014.01.08

  • By referring the requirements given in relevant Sri Lanka Standard.
  • By getting tested a sample against the relevant Sri Lanka Standard.

By visiting the Documentation and Information Division at 3rd floor of SLSI (ext. 252)

By submitting a sample to the SLSI laboratory by the Importer. For more information please contact Laboratory Services Division. Ext. 501, 502, 503 & 504.

Yes. Only when the test repot issued by a registered manufacturer or laboratory.

  • Downloading from SLSI web site
  • From ‘Main Counter’ of QA division

As soon as the importer received the documents (invoice, packing list, bill of lading etc) relevant for the consignment.

Please refer sample notification form in the Annexure.


  • Commercial Invoice
  • Packing List
  • Bill of Lading


  • Quality certificates
  • Test reports
  • Health certificates
  • Custom declaration form (cusdec)
  • Country of origin
  • Documentary proof incase of products imported for personal use.

From 0900h to 1530 h on all working days.

6 hours (If correctly completed documentation is submitted)

By contacting relevant counter of QA division of SLSI.

Food Products

Unit 1 Unit 2

Telephone ext. 363 Ext. 360

Non Food Products

Unit 3 Unit 4

Telephone ext. 361 Ext. 359

As soon as the importer received initial decision

By contacting the relevant counter of the unit of QA division

Food Products

Unit 1 Unit 2

Telephone ext. 363 Ext. 360

Non Food Products

Unit 3 Unit 4

Telephone ext. 361 Ext. 359

By submitting inspection/sampling request letter after making the relevant payment. Request letter could be faxed to +94 115 354 320

Please refer sample request letter at web site.

Inspection/sampling will be carried out within one working day after submitting inspection/sampling request letter.

  • Inspection/sampling time at RCT : 0930h - 1730h
  • Importer/other warehouses : 1000h - 1600h

Since the testing time for each product varies this cannot be exactly defined.

In that case there are few options,

  • Requesting SLSI for re-sampling/re-inspection. (only 01 time)
  • Accepting the decision and destroying the consignment
  • Accepting the decision and re-exporting the consignment.

SLSI inform Sri Lanka Customs and other relevant authorities for their actions such as penalties, black listing etc.

By visiting (Administrative Officer of QA Division (ext. 393) and you will be guided to relevant SDD (QA).

Some of our calibrations are accredited to ISO 17025 through the Sri Lanka Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment(SLAB)

We provide calibrations in the following measurement disciplines:

Mass , Temperature , Force, Pressure, Torque, Volume, Density, Length Details can be seen on this site.

Please contact:

Director (Metrology): Ms S Udakara


TP: 2671566 (Direct Line), 2671567/72

Extn: 560

Technical Manager (Mass laboratory): Mr P P Wanigasinghe




Technical Manager(Length laboratory):Ms W A S Y Weerasinghe


TP: 2671567/72


Technical Manger( Force laboratory): Mr. G H Asoka


TP: 2671567/72


Technical Manager(Temperature laboratory):Ms Anusha Bogahawaththa


TP: 2671567/72


Just contact our office on 2671567-72 ext.567. There will be a nominal charge of LKR 600 for an additional copy.

You should determine the calibration frequency, depending on the usage of your equipment.

Yes, We can provide onsite calibration, if required.

Our calibrations are traceable to the SI units through our Measurement Units, Standards and Services Department(MUSSD) /overseas national Measurements Institutions (NMI)/Accredited Laboratories.

If you need to calibrate the equipment, please hand over the equipment to SLSI's metrology department after payment or purchase order is issued.

Yes, You can get our service on urgent basis

There are number of easy ways to check the availability or to get a price quote for your required services:

  • Email to with the details of your order
  • Contact Senior Deputy Director of the relevant Laboratory or the Director, Laboratory Services
  • Submit inquiry Form which is given in the web site

We are happy to provide a quick response whichever way you contact us. To ensure a fast quote, please include all pertinent details about your order, including the test parameter/s you required, quantity, applicable specification, etc.

There are six Laboratories in Sri Lanka Standards Institution. (Chemical Testing Laboratory, Electrical & Electronics Testing Laboratory, Food Testing Laboratory, Material Testing Laboratory, Microbiology Testing Laboratory and Textile Testing Laboratory). You can handover the sample/s to the Senior Deputy Director of the relevant Laboratory if you know the parameters to be tested in the sample.

Otherwise you can contact the Administration unit of Laboratory Services Division or the Director, Laboratory Services for more details.

Our Laboratory offers some of the best turnaround times in the industry.

Our standard turnaround time based on scope of your work. Since our Laboratories are accredited they issue accurate test results, therefore sometimes they need some extra time to repeat the test/s to confirm the test results..

Additionally if you need results sooner, expedited services are available at an additional cost. Contact Senior Deputy Director of the relevant Laboratory or the Director, Laboratory Services for more details.

Customers are expected to pay the full amount for their request with a credit card or cash, to the Finance Division (4th floor) of Sri Lanka Standards Institution.

(As a policy, the Laboratory does not attend to the sample until the customer settles the payment. However customer can discuss about the payment criteria with the Director, Laboratory Services at the time of submitting the sample to the Laboratory)

Customers will be informed by the Administration unit of Laboratory Services Division, Sri Lanka Standards Institution. Customer can collect the test report from that unit by providing the receipt of the payment.

Otherwise Customer can discuss it with the relevant Senior Deputy Director or the Director, Laboratory Services, at the time of submitting the samples to the Laboratory

No, SLSI Laboratories carry out testing in accordance with National standards, International standards or the test methods provided by the customer.

Further it provides customized technical trainings based on the requirements of individual persons or institutions.

There are six Laboratories in Sri Lanka Standards Institution.

Chemical Testing Laboratory, Electrical & Electronics Testing Laboratory, Food Testing Laboratory, Material Testing Laboratory and Microbiology Testing Laboratory are Accredited for ISO/IEC 17025:2017, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

Accreditation status ensures the competence of the laboratory to generate reliable and technically valid data and test results. Test reports issued by such accredited laboratories are internationally accepted.

Textile Testing Laboratory is also working towards obtaining accreditation status for their testing activities.

Use these links to view or print our Accreditation certificates and Scope of the Laboratories

Accreditation is a process in which certification of competency, authority or credibility is presented.

ISO Standards and ISO Standards adopted as Sri Lanka Standards could be purchased at the inquiry desk of the Documentation & Information Division of SLSI on week days between 0830h and 1615h and weekends (First and Third Saturday and the Second and Fourth Sunday of every month. This may sometimes differ due to holidays coinciding with Saturdays and Sundays).

A management system is the framework of processes (a set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs) and procedures documented according to step by step method and are used to ensure that an organization can fulfill all tasks required to achieve its policies and objectives they wish to achieve.

A certification body is an independent organization which certifies manufacturing and service organizations based on various management systems.

A registration body is an organization which certifies or registers the professionals (engineers/technicians/accountants etc.) and it specifies their proven knowledge, understanding and competence on their professionalism.

However certification is very often referred to as registration in North America

  • Increase market opportunities
  • Cost savings
  • Assuring compliance to regulations
  • Meeting the demands of clients
  • Improve the stakeholder relations
  • Enhance corporate citizenship
  • Reduction of risks
  • Step 1 - implementation of Management System in the organization according to the relevant standard
  • Step 2 - Submitting application to the SLSI
  • Step 3 - Conducting Audits (Adequacy + Stage-I + Stage-II) by SLSI and actions taken by client for highlighted nonconformities during the audits
  • Step 4 - Granting of Certificate

Systems Certification Division of SLSI

It is varied for different systems. Therefore please refer SLSI web site

It is varied for different systems. Therefore please refer SLSI web site

Period of time valid for the certification (Maximum 3 years)

Annual audit carried out by SLSI

The interested party can obtain the application brochure set from the systems certification division (7th floor) of Sri Lanka Standards Institution or can download the application brochure set from SLSI official web site Then the organization has to submit the application form, pre-assessment questionnaire along with the relevant manual to the systems certification division of SLSI.

It depends on the nature and the commitment of the organization. The duration can be vary from one month to one year period. </p.

  • Step 1 - Submitting a fresh Application and a Pre Assessment Questionnaire along with the Management System Manual and other necessary documents specific to the scheme before 06 month period of the expiry date of the certification.
  • Step 2 - Conducting Audits [Adequacy+ Stage I (if SLSI decided as required) + Final Audit] by SLSI and actions taken by the organization for highlighted nonconformities during the audits
  • Step 3 - Renewal of the Certification
  • Significant improvement in effectiveness and efficiency. The benefits you can gain will be;
  • You can have an integrated management system running your business and focusing on your objectives. That will also help you to priorities risks to the business as a whole.
  • Improved efficiency and effectiveness.
  • The duplication of core activities is eliminated.
  • Documentation is simplified and reduced.
  • Decreasing interferences to your business, eliminating duplication of audit activity and fewer audits.
  • You will be able to establish an improved communication flow and recognition and understanding of responsibilities and interrelationships

Yes. We have designed attractive discount rates as follows.

  • 10% rebate on certification charges for 2nd certification status from the SLSI.
  • 20% rebate on certification charges for 3rd certification status from the SLSI.
    • Other than that if you willing to pay for 3 years time period 15% rebate will be granted.

It is a management system which specifiesrequirements for a food safety management system where any organization in the food chain needs to demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards in order to ensure that food is safe at the time of human consumption.

Any organization with in the food chain or part of the food chain can apply for the certification; it includes farming, processing, manufacturing, catering, storing and distribution chains. In addition to that for any establishment supporting the core food chain such as packaging, bio chemical manufacturing & animal feed manufacturing also can apply for this certification.

It is a management system to direct and control an organization with regard to quality. Further it provides generic approach for quality management system which enable an organization to provide products / services consistently conforming to standard requirements. Such generic approaches are applicable to any industry or economic sector with regard to the product and or services offered.

Any organization who interested to certify their system against ISO 9001 : 2008 and wishes to improve existing processes can obtain the certification.

ISO 14000 is a series of environmental management standards developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO 14000 standards provide a guideline or framework for organizations that need to systematize and improve their environmental management efforts. The ISO 14000 standards are not designed to aid the enforcement of environmental laws and do not regulate the environmental activities of organizations. The series includes the ISO 14001:2004 standard, which provides guidelines for the establishment or improvement of an EMS. Adherence to these standards is voluntary.

ISO 14001 certification scheme is open to all manufacturing and service organizations operating in Sri Lanka and other part of the world. Such as

  • Single-site to large multi-national companies
  • High-risk companies to low-risk service organizations
  • Manufacturing, process, and the service industries, including local governments
  • All industry sectors including public and private sectors
  • Original equipment manufacturers and their suppliers

OHSAS 18001 is a internationally accepted standard, as a method of assessing and auditing identified risks of occupational health and safety of workers and other interested parties who may be exposed to risks associated with organizational activities. This eliminates or minimizes risks during the activities of an organization setting policies and objectives.

OHSAS 18001 is a internationally accepted standard, as a method of assessing and auditing identified risks of occupational health and safety of workers and other interested parties who may be exposed to risks associated with organizational activities. This eliminates or minimizes risks during the activities of an organization setting policies and objectives.

It is a management system which can be used to assure good manufacturing practices of any product manufacturing process. It assures that the entire manufacturing proves is continuously complying with the quality, safety requirements through out the process manufacturing process.

This is the only certification scheme to certify super market management. The criteria for the certification are based on SLS 1432:2011. Requirements for Good Practices for super market management. The scope of the certification covers receiving, storing, display and sale of food and non food products within the super market and manufacturing and sale of bakery products within the supermarket.

It is a Systems Certification Scheme for Vegetarian Food & Beverages manufacturers with the prime intention of certifying the vegetarian establishments. By using the guideline SLS 1460: 2013 for the use of vegetarian claims in food & beverage as a criteria document developed by SLSI, this certification operates. For any of the following categories can apply for the certification

  • Vegan/ Strict-Veg. F & B which excludes all ingredients & additives derived from animal origin
  • Lacto-Veg. F & B includes milk & milk Products (Exclude products prepared using animal rennet.
  • Pure-Veg. F & B includes honey, milk & milk products
  • It is a product certification scheme operates by the SLSI. Using the National Standard SLS 1324: 2007, for organic Agriculture Production and Processing as a criteria document this certification scheme is operated.
  • Any organic producer including the following sectors can apply for this certification
  • Production, processing, handling, storage & transportation of organically produced agricultural products
  • Unprocessed agricultural & livestock products
  • Processed agricultural & livestock products intended for human consumption containing one or more ingredients that are agricultural & or livestock origin
  • Feed stuff essentially intended for animal consumption
  • Agricultural & veterinary preparations that are intended for use in the production of organic material

Company itself by obtaining necessary awareness through trainings and/or through an outside consultant

Training Prospectus contains all the information related to all training programmes offered by SLSI.
Training Prospectus can be downloaded through our official website.

  1. Link:
  2. Training

Yes. If any company nominate 5 or more participants, would get a 10% Discount.

Note: This is not applicable to Diploma, Certificate, foundation level and international training programmes.

Lunch and other refreshments are provided for all week-day programmes except week-end programmes.

There are several options listed below.

1.)Direct debit the payment amount to SLSI Bank Account and send the scanned copy of the deposit slip through e-mail to:

Further the original deposit slip should be produced at the time of registration.

Bank details: Sri Lanka Standards Institution

BOC Super grade Branch

A/C No: 193675

Include SWIFT code

1.)Direct Pay to SLSI by either cash or company cheques.

Note: If a Tax Invoice is required , you need to send the company VAT/SVAT details to SLSI in advance.

  1. For Diploma Programmes - The registration process of the Diploma is somewhat different compared with other trainings.
  2. You need to fill the Diploma application and send to us.

    Then you will be called for an interview and selection is based on merit.

  3. For All other Programmes (Except Diploma Programmes)
  4. You can make the payment and get registered for the desired programme. However, please ensure that seats are available for the training you are applying for.

Closing dates are mentioned in the Training Prospectus and you can call training Division of SLSI

Full payment has to be done in advance.

Diploma Applications can be collected from the Training Division at SLSI or can be downloaded from SLSI website.

Link: Application Diploma

Members of the public may refer the information collection available in the SLSI library free of charge. Borrowing privileges are generally limited to members.

Search and click “SLS catalogue” to find the name of standard, number allocated to the standard and the scope of the standard

You must become a member to borrow materials from the SLSI Library. For information visit: membership scheme

There are two types of membership; Individual and Subscriber. You have to submit an application to the circulation desk with the letter of recommendation and the required payment. The library staff will issue membership cards.

  • Subscriber members - 08 books and 02 journals
  • Individual members - 02 books and 01 journal

You can renew items for another month by informing via an e-mail as long as no other library member needs them.

You can make a reservation at the circulation desk.

The cost will be computed as per the policies of SLSI by taking into account the purchased price, prevailing currency rate and charges incurred as departmental charges.

When you borrow an item the due date will be stamped inside the book.

You are informed via an e-mail or a letter as courtesy notices. However, you are responsible for keeping.

your information current, renewing materials, and paying all fines for late, damaged, or lost materials.

Kindly note that you must update any changes of your contact information (if any) to the library counter.

Books are not available for purchasing. International standards and Sri Lanka Standards can be purchased.

ISO, IEC, British and ASTM standards can be downloaded on request. Other foreign standards may be supplied on request from the relevant Standards Bodies and postage and handling charges will be included in the price.

We offer discounts from the catalogue price as follows.

  • ISO Standards - 25%
  • IEC Standards - 10%
  • British Standards - 10 %
  • ASTM Standards - 10%

Please send an email or a letter indicating the standards you need, preferably the standard numbers (can be searched via the websites of the respective standards bodies), if available. Telephone queries are also accepted.

A suggestion book is available at the Circulation desk. Feedback form of SLSI ? How do I find out whether a book/Sri Lanka Standard is available at the SLSI Library

When you have found a book you want, make a note of the exact title, the author's name and, most importantly, the call number. A call number is just a code given to a book that relates to where it is shelved.

This will make your task easy when visiting the library in person to refer the book.

E-MAIL US : Telephone : +94 112 671565, +94 11 2671567-72 (Library Counter Extension: 252) Fax : +94 94 112 671 553 Address : Sri Lanka Standards Institution

17 Victoria Place (Lane adjoining Telecommunication Regulatory Commission)

Elvitigala Mawatha Colombo 08. Visit Us Bus Route No.s 103, 135,178

Bus Stops: Elvitigala Flats / Niromi Trade Centre (Travelling From Borella to Narahenpita) Telecom Regulatory Commission (Travelling From Narahenpita to Borella)

Telephone : +94 112671565, +94 112672615, +94 112 671 567 – 72 Ext: 251 Fax : +94 112671553 E-mail :

This annual award unifies many other awards in Sri Lanka; weaving together seven diverse quality aspects of modern-day business into one classical award. The National Quality Award is recognized by the State quality concise standard-bearers around the world and put recipients on the cutting–edge of competition

Large, medium and small scale organization in the public & private sector on:

  • Manufacturing
  • Service
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Large Scale : More than 250 full-time employees
  • Medium Scale : From 50 to 250 full-time employees
  • Small Scale : Less than 50 full-time employees
  • Winner of Sri Lanka National Quality Award
  • Merit Award
  • Commendation Certificate
  • Opportunity to improve organizational practices towards perform excellence
  • Recognize companies as role models and providing opportunities to benchmarked by other organizations for industry improvements
  • Organizations to embody the competitive spirit
  • To Share information on successful performance strategies and benefits derived from the implementation of these strategies
  • Reward with different purposes applicable to modern, changing economic challenges
  • To promote awareness of quality among stakeholders as an increasingly important element in competitiveness
  • To help elevate quality systems for business sustainability
  • Leadership:How upper management leads the organization, and how the organization leads within the community
  • Strategy:How the organization establishes and plans to implement strategic directions.
  • Customers:How the organization builds and maintains strong, lasting relationships with customers
  • Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management: How the organization uses data to support key processes and manage performance.
  • Workforce:How the organization empowers and involves its workforce
  • Operations:How the organization designs, manages, and improves key processes
  • Results: How the organization performs in terms of customer satisfaction, finances, human resources, supplier and partner performance, operations, governance and social responsibility, and how the organization compares to its competitors

The evaluation process consists of five (05) stages as follows:

  • Desktop evaluation carried out by individual examiners
  • Evaluation carried out by examiners as a team to arrive at consensus
  • Site visit evaluation carried out by the team to adjust scores after verifying and clarifying issues
  • A review committee analyses on scores and recommends award recipients to the panel of judges
  • Panel of judges, chaired by a retired judge of the Supreme Court or Court of Appeal, approves the award winners, merit winners and commendation certificate recipients
    (The decision of the panel of Judges is final and not subjected to appeal.)
  • Organizations functioned in Sri Lanka for a minimum period of three (03) years and continue the business
  • Organization having a quality management system for continued improvements
  • Subsidiaries, divisions or business units of larger organizations are eligible to apply if they primarily serve either the public or business other than the parent organization
  • Both parent and subsidiary company cannot complete for the award in the same year
  • Winners of the award and all its subsidiaries are not eligible for a period of five (05) years for any consideration of second award
  • A completed application report - An application report consisting of application forms 1 & 2, organizational profile and responses to the performance Excellence Criteria.
  • Performance Excellence Criteria booklet could be obtained after making appropriate registration payment from the following address:
  • Sri Lanka Standards Institution No 17, Victoria Place, Elvitigala Mawatha, Colombo 08, Sri Lanka
    Tel: +94-11-2671567 - 72, +94-11-2671574, +94-11-2694981
    Fax: +94-11-2671579, +94-11-2672617, +94-11-2694981,
  • Attain eminent quality leadership for business sustainability.
  • Organizations can publicize and advertise the award as a marketing tool.
  • Encourages other organizations to improve their quality management practices in order to compete more effectively for future awards.
  • Organization could develop advantage over competitors in their marketing strategy.
  • Gaining eligibility to apply for the Global Performance Excellence Award.
  • All applicants will receive an official Feedback Report containing their strengths and areas for improvements that had been noted in the evaluation process
  • The feedback report which is a written assessment by a team of quality experts can be used as a tool for continuous improvement of the organization for business sustainability

At the time of lodging the application following fee (see notes) is to be paid

  • Large- scale enterprises : LKR 65 000
  • Medium-scale enterprises : LKR 50 000
  • Small- scale enterprises : LKR 35 000


  1. Fees are subject to change
  2. Relevant government taxes are applicable

Energy efficient appliances use less electricity to achieve the same level of performance to similar models with the same size or capacity. The more energy efficient a model, the less energy it will use and the less it will cost you to run.

We label these products so that the information is available at the point-of-sale. This allows consumers to take into account how much an appliance will cost to run, when deciding which model to buy.

The label is part of a government and industry initiative to encourage consumers to buy appliances and equipment which are more energy efficient. As market demand for these products increase, manufacturers will be encouraged to produce more energy efficient models to meet this demand.

Mandatory for the Energy Label to be displayed on following products:

  • Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL)
  • Electric Ceiling Fans having 1400 mm (56”) sweep diameter with Regulators
  • Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps for General Application

Voluntary basis Energy Label to be displayed on following products if obtained:

  • Light Emitting Diode (LED) Module Lamps for General Application
  • Single Split Type Room Air Conditioners
  • Computers
  • Refrigerators
  • Standards and benefits of Standardization
  • Product certification schemes
  • Systems certifications schemes (e.g. - Good Manufacturing Practices, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 14001, HACCP, Energy Management Systems, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems etc.)
  • Any school, university or tertiary education institution
  • Any group of entrepreneurs registered under a state institution

For further information / arrangements / reservations contact

Name of the officer Telephone EXT FAX Email
Mr Mohan Athukorala
Senior Deputy Director
+94 112 671 567-72 322 +94 112 694 981

All the lectures are conducted free of charge by qualifies SLSI auditors. However for programmes conducted on requestee’s locations except for schools and universities the transport must be provided.

  • School students
  • University students
  • Vocational trainees
  • MSME personnel

Programmes can be arranged online or onsite according to the preference of the requestee.

Programmes are conducted in Sinhala, English or Tamil according to the preference of the requestee.

There are number of easy ways to check the availability or to get a price quote for your required services:

  • Email to with the details of your order
  • Contact Senior Deputy Director of the relevant Laboratory or the Director, Laboratory Services
  • Submit inquiry Form which is given in the web site

We are happy to provide a quick response whichever way you contact us. To ensure a fast quote, please include all pertinent details about your order, including the test parameter/s you required, quantity, applicable specification, etc.

Customers are expected to pay the full amount for their request with a credit card or cash, to the Finance Division (4th floor) of Sri Lanka Standards Institution. (As a policy, the Laboratory does not attend to the programme until the customer settles the payment. However customer can discuss about the payment criteria with the Director, Laboratory Services)

Yes, SLSI issues certificates for the participants who carry out the programme successfully.

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