Information for Importers

  1. SLSI take decisions on consignment basis as the conformity against standard vary from consignment to consignment.

  2. The importers are responsible to identify regulatory requirements and related standards referred in the regulation.

  3. If the Sri Lanka Standard appears in regulation without the year, the products should comply with the latest version of the standard

  4. The Importer should be aware of any amendments or revisions to the standard by referring to the SLSI web site or enquiring the SLSI library. Quality Assurance division will not communicate any amendments or revision or changes to the standard.

  5. The decisions are made based on the documents submitted and samples drawn. Any concessions requested either in writing or verbal regarding the Sampling or decisions made will not be entertained

  6. Importers are requested to carefully respond to what is expected by the QA division in order to process the application fast and thus avoid delays

  7. In case, if there are any delays in processing notifications, the relevant unit of the QA division should be contacted to avoid further delays

  8. The contact details of the units of QA division are available in the SLSI web site to facilitate the importer communication.

  9. SLSI will subcontract inspection activities (Testing/ Sampling) as and when required

Details of amendments made the Standards

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