
We are competent team of experts ensures that you receive consistent, quality calibrations.
Pioneer in Calibrations
As an ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratory, the Metrology Division of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution fulfills this national obligation by being a part of our national measurement system.
We provide an extensive industrial calibration service, covering a wide range of measurements which are traceable to National / International Standards, established through reference standards maintained by us.
Our test/calibration reports consist all information as per requirements of ISO 17025. It helps you to stay in compliance with your quality management systems to international standards as well as fulfilling your customer requirements.
Metrology division offers following services;
- Equipment calibrations in SLSI/ Onsite
- Tailor made workshops on calibration
What We Offer
Presently, Metrology Division provides efficient and reliable calibration services to promote quality assurance activities in industrial sector and laboratories in the country via four individual laboratory units as given below.
Metrology division is accredited in the fields of Force, Torque, Pressure, Length, Mass, Volume and Temperature.

For further details, Please contact, Ms. S Udakara, Director (Metrology); mail: or contact on +9411 267 1566
Force Laboratory

Force laboratory of SLSI is leading ISO 17025 accredited laboratory in Sri Lanka which provides a comprehensive range of calibration services. It is well equipped and with competent experienced staff to perform force calibrations.
We perform force measuring equipment calibration on the followings;
Force Calibration
When devices used in force measurement applications regularly undergo precise force calibration, they can be depended on to consistently deliver their specified performance. Metrology division is always willing to provide the force calibration services to fulfill your reliable accurate measuring requirements.
Force verification devices (eg; dynamometer, load cell)) and force testing machines calibrations (in compression/tensile mode) are performed using our force standards.
Force calibration services range covers up to 3500 kN (compression mode) and 250 kN (tension mode)
We perform force measuring equipment calibration on the followings:
ISO 17025 Accredited calibration services;
- Universal testing machines
(method:ISO7500:2018) [range: 20 kN to 2000 kN (Compression)] [range: 20 N to 50 kN (Tensile)] - Force verification devices
(method:ISO376:2011) [range: 0.3 kN to 2000 kN (Compression)] [range: 0.3 kN to 100 kN (Tensile)]
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Pressure Calibration
We are committed to providing our customers with high quality pressure gauge calibration services that comply with international standards.
Our team of officers are able to calibrate pressure gauges up to 600 bar (hydraulic) & 45 bar (pneumatic) by using traceable standards.
We perform pressure measuring equipment calibration on the followings:
ISO 17025 Accredited calibration services;
- Compound pressure gauges[ range: -900 mbar to 20 mbar ]
- Pneumatic pressure gauges[ range: 0 bar to 45 bar ]
- Hydraulic pressure gauges[ range: 0 bar to 600 bar ]
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Torque Calibration
Calibration of torque measuring instruments is essential to maintaining their accuracy and longevity. Performing a calibration ensures that the instrument remains compliant with its stipulated standards thereby also ensuring that measurements are as accurate and reliable as possible.
We perform torque measuring equipment calibration on the followings
ISO 17025 Accredited calibration services;
- Torque wrench [ range: 7.5 N.m to 1500 N.m ]
If you need any further clarification related to force calibration, please contact head of the Force Laboratory Mr G H Asoka, mail; or contact on +94 112 67 1567 ext 579/263
If your device is not listed here, simply contact us and we will do our highest to accommodate your request.
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Force laboratory is accredited in the Fields of Force, Pressure and Torque

Length Laboratory

Length laboratory of SLSI is an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory in Sri Lanka which provides a wide range of calibration services. It is well equipped and with competent experienced staff to perform length calibrations.
We perform dimensional measuring equipment calibration on the followings;
Dimensional Calibrations
We offer a dimensional calibration service for all types of dimensional measuring instruments. Our team is competent to carryout dimensional calibrations.
We will issue with a detailed calibration certificate outlining the calibration results of your equipment. All of our lab certificates are traceable to national and international standards.
We can perform dimensional calibrations on the following types of tools and equipment:
ISO 17025 Accredited calibration services;
- Micrometer [range: 0 mm to 25 mm (digital/analog) ]
- Caliper [range: 0 mm to 600 mm (digital/analog) ]
- Dial indicator [range: 0 mm to 25 mm (digital/analog) ]
- Test sieve of metal wire cloth [range: 38 µm to 2000 µm ]
- Test sieve of perforated metal plate [range: 4 mm to 12.5 mm ]
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Gauge Block Calibration
By performing regular gauge block calibrations, you can guarantee your block is accurate. We offer the gauge blocks calibration service from 0.5 mm to 100 mm.

Our team is competent to carryout length calibrations.
We will issue with a detailed calibration certificate outlining the calibration results of your equipment. All of our lab certificates are traceable to national and international standards.
If you need any further clarification related to calibration dimensional calibration, please contact head of the Length Laboratory Ms Yoshitha Weerasinghe; mail: or contact on +94 112 67 1567 ext. 561/263
If your device is not listed here, simply contact us and we will do our highest to accommodate your request.
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Length laboratory is accredited for Micrometer, Caliper, Dial Indicator, Test Sieves (metal wire cloth, perforated metal plate).

Mass Laboratory

Mass laboratory of SLSI is an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory in Sri Lanka which provides a wide range of calibration services. It is well equipped and with competent experienced staff to perform mass calibrations.
We perform mass calibration on the followings;
Weight Calibration
Accurate and stable reference standards for calibrating weighing equipment, including variously certified/accredited weights and weight sets from different classes. Products may be constructed of stainless steel, brass, iron, and other alloys.
Calibration weights (also known as reference weights or standard weights) are manufactured to meet high tolerances and accuracy as per OIML specifications. They are used to spot-check the performance and verify the calibration of analytical balances, precision balances, and general-purpose scales in research laboratories, educational settings, and other working environments.
We offer you reliable and accurate calibration service for all your class F1, class F2, class M1 & class M2 weights as per OIML clarifications.
ISO 17025 Accredited calibration services;
- Weights [range: 1 mg to 20 kg] (class F1 & below F1)
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Balance Calibration
Metrology division has the technical expertise and equipment to provide balance calibration services in our environmentally-controlled laboratory at SLSI or your premises. Service is provided for industrial and lab equipment, and for mechanical and digital models.
Calibration is a routine requirement for many business applications where measurement accuracy is critical to ensuring that the output of these instruments is meeting expectations for quality.
Scales and balances need to be calibrated at regular intervals to ensure that they will continue to provide accurate readings over time.
We offer you a fast, reliable and competitive service for all your weighing equipment calibration needs.
We can perform balance calibration on the following:
ISO 17025 Accredited calibration services;
- Electronic balance [ range: 0 kg to 200 kg ]
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Volume Calibration
Our volume laboratory is constructed as per accepted norms that meet the strict environmental guidelines laid out. The climate in the volume calibration laboratory is strictly monitored and controlled via systems specifically for the lab.
Through volume calibration we ensure that containers store liquid of accurate quantity as specified. As per volume calibration method initially the instrument is inspected visually for defects, numbering, graduations, or any other apparent defects.
Volume calibration services are accredited by Sri Lanka Accreditation Board ISO 17025. Calibration results are traceable to national/ international standards.
We use gravimetric method to calibrate volumetric glassware and micropipettes. Our services are timely, accurate and results are pronounced via a calibration certificate provide with the report of all work done and results achieved.
We can perform volume calibration on the following:
ISO 17025 Accredited calibration services;
- Graduated pipette [ range: 0 ml to 200 ml ]
- Burette [ range: 0 ml to 100 ml ]
- Volumetric flask [ range: 5 ml to 2000 ml ]
- Measuring cylinder [ range: 0 ml to 2000 ml ]
- Piston operated volumetric apparatus [ range: 10 µl to 1000 µl ]
signal(fixed/variable), multi-channel pipette
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Density Calibration
Calibration determines the measurement accuracy of your density measuring devices. With routine calibration, you can measure safely, ensure complete compliance and avoid the costs of inaccurate measurements. You can achieve and maintain compliance through consistent procedures and adhere to local and global regulations and standards.
We can perform density measuring devices on the following:
If you need any further clarification related to mass, volume or density calibrations please contact head of the Mass Laboratory Mr. Prabath Wanigasinghe; mail: or contact on +94 112 67 1567 ext 563/263
Schedule On-site Service Today
To schedule mass calibrations SLSI/ on-site service, please contact head of the Mass Laboratory or contact on +94 112 67 1567 ext 563/263
If your device is not listed here, simply contact us and we will do our highest to accommodate your request.
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Mass laboratory is accredited for Weights, Balances, Volumetric Glassware, Micropipettes

Temperature Laboratory

Temperature laboratory of SLSI is an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory in Sri Lanka which provides a wide range of calibration services. It is well equipped and with competent experienced staff to perform temperature calibrations.
We perform temperature calibration on the followings;
Temperature Instrument Calibration
We offer a calibration service for Hg/digital thermometers, thermocouples, platinum resistance thermometers (PRT), IR thermometers, ovens, incubators and all type of production line temperature measurements. etc.
We offer you a fast, reliable and competitive service for all your temperature equipment calibration needs
ISO 17025 Accredited calibration services;
- Liquid- in-glass thermometer [ range: -80 °C to 550 °C ]
- Dial thermometer [ range: -80 °C to 550 °C ]
- Digital thermometers with sensor [ range: -80 °C to 1200 °C ]
- Autoclave [ range: 50 °C to 150 °C ]
- Furnaces [ range: 200 °C to 1000 °C ]
- Liquid bath [ range: -30 °C to 200 °C ]
- Oven [ range: 30 °C to 200 °C ]
- Incubator [ range: 0 °C to 60 °C ]
- Cold rooms [ range: -80 °C to 20 °C ]
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Temperature Standard Calibration
Our competence staff, will calibrate your standards to ensure traceability of measurements and issue calibration certificates including all necessary elements as per ISO 17025 standards.
We perform temperature calibration on the following:
ISO 17025 Accredited calibration services;
- Thermocouple [ range: 0 °C to 1200 °C ]
- Platinum resistance thermometers (PRT) [ range: -80 °C to 660 °C ]
- Metal block bath [ range: 35 °C to 250 °C ]
Schedule On-site Service Today
If you need any other calibration related to temperature, please contact head of the Temperature Laboratory Ms. Anusha Bogahawatta, or contact on +94 112 67 1567 ext 571/570
If your device is not listed here, simply contact us and we will do our highest to accommodate your request.
Request a DM/FM/04: Request of Calibration/ Test Item(s) or review our Scope of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation to confirm our capabilities.
Temperature laboratory is accredited for Temperature Instrument Calibration & Temperature Standard Calibration